Crack Open Next Chapter Business Expansion.
CEO’s, Light Leaders, mentors, consultants,
willing to allow new money coding to activate
the million dollar plus impact they came here to BE.
You are keeping yourself safe by making enough money to be reasonable and comfortable, and just enough to avoid the judgment of
⇒ being all about the money, or
⇒ to be accused of caring more about money than the planet or people.
The imprint of being unsafe having money has you hiding behind reasonableness.
You think you have to defend yourself in case you are accused of being greedy and selfish. These projections are reflections of other people’s caps not ownership of your financial capacities.
The disconnect from your money coding makes this a good enough reason to limit yourself.
Revert back to working harder to ‘earn’ more.
Start doing deals for people because they are ‘nice people.’
Begin questioning if you really are giving value.
Start comparing yourself to others.
Continue to bond over ‘money problems.’
Not fully allowing your money channel to express it’s unique codes.
Being under the influence of the collective broken visionary/healer/creative imprint.
Being entangled in familial or peer group mindsets and timelines.
Having non benevolent beings (entities) interrupting your progress.
What’s been resisted is that money is one of the languages spoken here.
Being in business –
on the one hand you agreed to speak this language fluently.
On the other hand you unconsciously resist or limit the way it shows up, and or
Dismiss the original coding of money and
Allow the dynamics of the misuse of money to interrupt your personal expansion and expression of ALL you truly BE.
You knew about money when you came in.
You knew your original coding with money AND
You know you have the capacity to speak the language while you fulfill your sacred mission here.
You are not here to be under resourced in anyway.
You do not have to learn from that lesson anymore.
This is an untruth that you’ve been talked into believing.
Learn the unique money codes that open and allow your money channel to flow.
Access and receive the necessary frequency upgrades to be in full receptivity with millions – now!
Be an activated and active participant of new earth money & business codes required to ‘do’ money and business the new way.
Grow and stretch at a rate you could never have imagined and increase business revenues substantially.
Downplaying your money desires to knowing the fullest expression of you that allows millions.
Becoming rattled when someone questions your confidence and clarity in the steps and decisions you are choosing to generate millions in your business.
Bracing yourself for ‘back handed’ comments as you immerse into millions into knowing that it is your first nature to allow millions with ease.
Questioning your money channel to knowing the exact questions to ask to generate more.
Worrying about being judged as you leave the “struggle and vulnerability lifestyle” paradigm in order to prove you have kindness, empathy and insight for others.
Being concerned about the gossip in the ‘love and light lunchroom’ to vibrating so joyously in your own vibe, you’re not even aware of the whispers.
Fully awaken your money channel
Activate your unique codes and
Allow financial overflow to fund your mission
You get to impact millions of people and BE the light you agreed to be on this planet this time.
Millions await you on the other side of accepting your money codes & upgrading your frequency to match that.
This class will help you to feel confident to fill your business potentials at rates that generate greater for all.
Your ideal clients can jump in with ease knowing they are in the best place for the best of them to blossom.
Or Pay
Choose from the guidance of your money channel.
You receive same access whether you pay or not.
Grace’s course (Triple Eclipse Catalyst) was highly supportive as well as enlightening.
After working with Grace for ~15 yrs I always know I will have the desired shifts I am ready for.
The roller coaster of emotions during upleveling is ‘no more.’ It is now a much smoother ride – full of ease and grace.
Thanks you for the powerful work you bring to the world and so graciously share with us.
This wonderful experience allowed me to remove blockages, align with my soul purpose, activate it and then truly understand and own it. To say I was beyond excited for the final session is an understatement – so much so that my celestial team arrived an hour early for the session – and despite this excitement the session was still 1,000 times more than anything I could have ever dreamt of.
Without Grace’s help I know it would have taken me years (perhaps lifetimes) to get to this point of understanding and inner knowing about what I came here to do. It’s now top of mind and every day I make a conscious effort to generate soul inspired pathways to help align with my soul purpose.
The outcomes were rapid and took me by surprise – doors opened immediately and opportunities flooded in. So much so that I then decided to repeat the sequence a week later to help me cope with building success without worry I felt about how much work there was to be done! I am now up to my 3rd time of repeating the sequence.