Code Awakened

Code Awakened  Reveals how to Access Your Future Self and Trust Fully the Intel and Information on Exact Next Steps for Accelerating Impact and Income Your Way.

The Activations and Techniques in this E-Book

Move You

They move you into attunement with the missing magic.

With the Intel of your Future Self added to the strategy and business models of others you achieved the results that reflect your input.


Stops You

Stop putting energy into strategies that are not congruent or generative of sales in your business.

(Even though they may have worked for others.)

Gifts You

Gifts you a sense of freedom and confidence that has you making your moves enthusiastically and precisely.

How? By Activating Your Original Coding.

Takes Care Of

Takes care of the monkey mind by replacing it  with clear channeled insight and direction.  Guidance attuned specifically to you and your Success Codes.

Add Future Self insights and you can mould any approach precisely to your magic.

Key Features of Code Awakened

This Book reveals the highly effective and simple

– Perpetual Momentum Method –

Simple to use – on the fly method that course corrects energy flow all through your Day resulting in:

♦ Increased revenue through more effective marketing and offers

♦ Reduced stress and overwhelm by identifying smoother ways to scale your business

♦ Greater collaboration between your personal values/vision and your business operations

♦ Enhanced ability to overcome obstacles and challenges in business growth

What’s Inside This Game-Changing e-book?

♦ 60 pages of mind-bending business alchemy
♦ Reality-warping paradigm shifts
♦ Activations of your Original Coding (think of it as your soul’s software update)

Page 56 goes into:

Being consistent from a place that is uniquely YOU. is the only way I’m aware of Conscious Business Owners to truly thrive and impact effectively.

It’s foundational to keeping you up to speed, so whatever’s morphing, collapsing and ascending around you doesn’t knock you out of your mission.

On page 17:

Let’s face it, in a world where there are a plethora of ways to structure and implement business, (and that number is only increasing), it’s easy to get lost and confused and begin to doubt and question yourself.

Or when a system and structure that has worked for you suddenly begins not to –

Both are indicators of a change in consciousness in YOU – the conscious business owner who answers the calling for difference AND honours your consciously chosen standards.
Either way, as YOU change, your business strategies and structures also need to change.

For my clients, once we have their Original Coding liberated from the perception of being a burden in business AND we incorporate Future Self Input, the choice, design and implementation of what works for them and their business takes off in ways they never expected.

Page 35 says:

This excerpt is just before the second activation included in the Book “Code Awakened,” where I run through how to activate your original codes.

Greater awareness and connection with Future Self and other guidance is easier to receive when your original coding is activated. It results in increased receptivity from which you can then choose your actions.

This is one of my Future Self Inputs I received during the writing of Code Awakened.

“Conscious businesses do not run on the same energy fuel as unconscious businesses. If you’ve aligned your business to unconscious business strategies, branding and marketing – it will clunk along with intermittent waves of functioning the way you know it can.”

“New Earth Energy loves space. It knows that remarkable creations lie in the spaces more than anywhere else. There is massive amounts of space in attuning and limited amounts of space in aligning.”

What Our Clients Say

“The Perpetual Momentum Method® has transformed my business. I now attract ideal clients who are happy to pay for my expertise.”
“Activating my original success coding has allowed me to claim my expertise without over-explaining. My strategies now work in harmony with my lifestyle.”
“The energetic shifts shared in Code Awakened have invited a new level of success into my business. I feel more aligned and effective than ever before.”

Activating Your Original Codes


I am not one of these mentors who’d tell you to “just meditate and connect to your Soul, and you’ll magically attract perfect clients who pay you $10k+ for your offers”.

And of course I can’t promise that after reading my book, participating in the activations and taking the actions that shift your energy that you’ll repeat my or my clients results.

You are you own guarantee and I absolutely back you in that.


Whether you’re moving from 6 figures to 7, from 7 figures to 8, from 8 figures to 9 and beyond, every time we step into the next phase – things have to change.

Change pushes up against what you previously accepted as okay. It’s the calling of a new creation uniquely known by you.

Engage in the activation process outlined in ‘Code Awakened’ to liberate your Original Coding. This step is crucial for aligning your energy with your business targets.


If you are looking for a ‘do-nothing-get-millions’ fix or a ‘Hail Mary’ option, please don’t buy my book.
BUT . . .
If you are that conscious, energetically savvy, pioneering, enterprising LightLeader woman who knows she’s up for more, you’ll be thanking the universe for months after this read.

The Activations of your original coding bring back to you a pizaz that might have got a little lost in this time of great transition. 

🌟 Grab your copy of "Code Awakened" now for just $8.00

 (less than a fancy coffee order)
and accelerate into your Business Your Way with profitable success, consciously! 🌟


If Mission, Magic and Momentum rings true then ‘Code Awakened’ was written for you.

You’ll love the simple, on the fly tools and insights. And . . . there is nothing like having your Original Codes dancing with your Future Self in the choices you make for your life.

“What I got was just extraordinary.
Grace tunes into exactly what it is that will take you to your next level. “

Kath Clarke

Creator, The Digital Traffic Chick

“Grace is so the real deal. Her gifts to be able to connect to your soul team and channel their wisdom back to us is phenomenal.”

Kiara O'Leary

Founder, An Inspired Life

“Working with Grace was the best decision I ever made.  You’re a beautiful human being that has done amazing things.”

Brylee Mio

Founder, Leshan Consulting