Light Leaders Activations

90 Day Acceleration of Your Next Level Business for Leaders of the Future.

If you’ve found your way to this page, you’re clearly a Leader of the future, a New Earth Steward, a Visionary with entrepreneurial blood as your life Force who’s willing to amplify your impact, wealth, contribution and success to whole New Earth Levels – Now

For Entrepreneurial, Visionary and Creative Leaders who know their next step is to expand their reach, receive more money and extend their impact.

We both know that self empowerment is a choice that changes not only your own life, but the lives of those around you.

Our businesses are places where we get to shine in great freedom.  The creations come from your vision and are accelerated into the world through the people you have around you – allies, contractors/employees, clients and customers.


Who Is this For?

This Activation series is for women who are truly ready to be more, earn more, to live more and give more. To be the Light Leaders they came here to Be.

With the changing energies, it can feel more frustrating than normal in getting things moving in the way you know you can.

There are a couple of key triggers that will be removed permanently through these activations. Some of theme are personal – others relate to the collective break up to wake up experiences going on.

The day I worked through these, my daily income doubled.

If you’re one of the ones Leading with the Light of Possibilities in your business, your gap could look like one of these.


Your unique thing feels evasive, or moves so quickly you feel like you don’t create any traction. So the inspiration and vision are there – but the results aren’t as tangible.


Struggle is an energy that we know “should be” falling away. But somehow the push back seems consistent. It’s so baffling and can get pretty confusing. Not in a ‘I may as well give up’ way, more in a “I just can’t seem to make sense of this” way.


Your energy levels are pretty haphazard. One minute you’re all over it, and the next all you want to do is rest. This results in either jumping from one thing to another, or dialling down the vibe in some way.

If you can relate, the Light Leader Activations will definitely close these gaps and open momentum.

There is a reason things look like they are not really working, even though you’re doing “all the things.” And it’s not what you think it is – otherwise you would have handled it already.

 Gone are the days of old, misaligned business tactics like:

Pain point amplification triggering fears of missing out or being so off track, they’ll never make it without xxx.
Being advised to be relatable so people will buy. The bigger truth is  you actually carry the possibilities that change peoples lives. Messages that invite people to invest in themselves are way more productive than cryptic copy asking them to invest in you.
Creating freebie after freebie trying to ‘inspire’ people to buy only to end up building an email list of freebie collectors who never had any intention in rising with you. Energetically poor juju.

Burnt out or bored from creating endless content for your socials that gets lots of likes but little to no sales.

And the list could go on!

For Entrepreneurial, Visionary and Creative Leaders who know their next step is to expand their reach, receive more money and extend their impact in their service based businesses.

It’s time to receive and allow your greater power and unleash more of your unique magic in ways you may not have realised were available.

Light Leaders Activations

90 Days Acceleration of Your Next Level Business

This is what’s possible in this Creation Space

You’ve already got clear intentions and goals or targets.

Expand your capacity to stand in your power without turning down how brightly you shine.

Then traditional selling isn’t even required.

Purchases happen with ease and the work becomes so much fun simply because…

The seller and buyer are a match . . .

And power recognises power.

So are you done turning down your power to do the things you ‘have to do’ to be successful in business.


Working together you’ll stop turning down your power, resisting working AS the Universe and let it and your results compound exponentially.

Improve your ability to achieve your targets

De-matrix your Business.

Learn how to move your business out of struggle and competition into slipstreams that reflect your mission.

Deepen your understanding of the energy dynamics as you work with tools to build your personal power field.


Elevate your intuition and channeling capacities

Learn to step away from the problem-solution paradigm where there’s lots of competition and into Empowerment Practices embedded in intuition and inner knowing.

Now sh*t can shift quickly.

This is what we teach in this container.

Giving you the opportunity to meet your next level more rapidly than you’d imagined.

Know where and how to plug into an energy field most people overlook in relation to business success.

Learn the best energy practices for successful business

Drop this one, mostly unconscious, habit that is probably costing you thousands and certainly is why your ideal clients aren’t as many as you’d like.

Receive activations that transcend limitations you’ve been grappling with.

Know where and how to plug into an energy field most people overlook in relation to business success.

Step out of the noise and drama of the world

It’s getting crazy out there.

Learn the tools that allow you to walk through the noise without being affected by it.

Know where and how to plug into an energy field most people overlook in relation to business success.

Adopt a new level of stewardship that’s grounded in this highly active frequency for success.

Receive the New Financial Coding for Enhanced Financial Paradigms.

Many say “I’m not money motivated.” I appreciate that, I am not either, AND I share the keys to also ensure you are not delaying the possibilities in the emerging money paradigm being created BY Light Leaders.

Learning to activate yourself beyond your money brick walls and develop your innate capacity to create joyful ways of exploring money vs chasing will be a game changer on so many levels.

Receive access to new wealth consciousness energies and paradigms and experience a lighter, brighter, fuller relationship with money.

Allow for financial overflow to accelerate (not determine) our ability to anchor even more light and enable the light consciousness presence as the energy that oversees the direction of this planet.

Leading with this capacity really puts new money consciousness on the front foot of possibilities.

Working together you’ll stop turning down your power and let it and your results compound exponentially.

How it’s delivered:

Initial Activation Session

We begin with a 2 hour activation session. Meet each other and call in the energy, awareness and codes that amplify our success.

Regular Transmissions

Regular pre-recorded transmissions relevant to the ongoing activation.

These incorporate tools and processes to maintain progress.

They are accessible on a dedicated private webpage accessible via email.

Four Immersions Over the 90 Days

Over the 90 days there are an additional five x three hour immersions.

One every three weeks.

They are all recorded. See box at bottom of section for times and dates:

Each of these include live transmissions followed by lots of Q and A.

This ensures you receive exactly what’s required for your up-levelling.

You are holding the codes ready to be activated. Your questions are the entry points.

Fresh Relevant Tools and Processes

Following each call you’ll receive tools and processes to continue to shift, apply and implement what was covered in the call.

This work brings stuff up and these tools move you through to where you’ve chosen to go.

One to One Session with Grace

1 personal 30 minute session with Grace Ambrook in 2024.

This session must be booked between February 20 and August 30, 2024.

Sessions are recorded for your personal use.

Course Dates and Times Are Here.

All calls are held at

9:30am -12.30am
Brisbane time:
AEST (no daylight savings)


Initial Activation

Tuesday  Feb 13

First Immersion

Tuesday February 20

Second Immersion

Tuesday March 12

Third Immersion

Tuesday April 2

Fourth Immersion

Tuesday April 23


Light Leaders Activations

90 Days Acceleration of Your Next Level Business

What Others Have Experienced

Grace’s course (Triple Eclipse Catalyst) was highly supportive as well as enlightening.

After working with Grace for ~15 yrs I always know I will have the desired shifts I am ready for.

The roller coaster of emotions during upleveling is ‘no more.’ It is now a much smoother ride – full of ease and grace.

Thanks you for the powerful work you bring to the world and so graciously share with us.





Claire McFee

Founder, True Compass Coaching

I’m not sure I have the words to truly express my heartfelt gratitude towards Grace for this life-changing experience.

This wonderful experience allowed me to remove blockages, align with my soul purpose, activate it and then truly understand and own it. To say I was beyond excited for the final session is an understatement – so much so that my celestial team arrived an hour early for the session – and despite this excitement the session was still 1,000 times more than anything I could have ever dreamt of.

Brooke McDonald

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For a long time I’ve had a yearning to do more, be more, awaken to my life purposes… but I just couldn’t figure out how to get from where I was to where I knew I needed to be.

Without Grace’s help I know it would have taken me years (perhaps lifetimes) to get to this point of understanding and inner knowing about what I came here to do. It’s now top of mind and every day I make a conscious effort to generate soul inspired pathways to help align with my soul purpose.

“At the time I tried the Sacred Sequence of Success I was at a point in my life where my business was ready to expand into new possibilities and new directions.

The outcomes were rapid and took me by surprise – doors opened immediately and opportunities flooded in. So much so that I then decided to repeat the sequence a week later to help me cope with building success without worry I felt about how much work there was to be done! I am now up to my 3rd time of repeating the sequence.

Jane Robatham

Wellness Facilitator, Registered Nurse, Soul Clarity

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I feel so lucky to have this tool, a little bit of Grace there to help me on my path whenever I need it – all in the comfort of my own home. Brilliant! Thank you so much.”

Light Leaders Activations

90 Days Acceleration of Your Next Level Business

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