Light Expansion – Expanding the Light Beyond C*V*D

Light Expansion –
Expanding the Light Beyond C*V*D
Five Minute Wrap Up Video
If it finished a bit abruptly for you. This last five minutes can ease you back more gently.
Light Expansion – Expanding the Light Beyond C*V*D
If it finished a bit abruptly for you. This last five minutes can ease you back more gently.
Hi Grace, VH passed your link onto me and I have just sat with you and done the light activation meditation. Boy, don’t we all need a bit more of this at present !. It resonated very strongly and it’s empowering to have it reinforced. Thank you.
It was so lovely to see you and have your words wash over me. You look so well and life is obviously good wherever you have landed. We still have our land in Numinbah valley and visit as often as we can. My 98 yr old mum passed recently which frees me up to be away but now I have a 7 mth old grandson who has firmly got his hooks in my heart. Life is fluid and I am where I need to be.
Bless you Grace , sending you love & gratitude
Fee Crawford xx
Hey. I feel new. I feel me myself robyn. Hugs plenty to all
Robyn 🙏💖⭐️🥰🌈🦋👏🌟💙